JFPR – The Grant and its Rationale

Based on the policy discussions with ADB, the GOWB issued a government order on 9 November 2017 to all project gram panchayats on the AMSDF, which (i) clearly defined the roles and responsibilities of the PHED, the gram panchayats, panchayat samitis, and zilla parishads; and (ii) set guidelines for operational sustainability parameters, such as metering, and human resourcing.

While the 66 project gram panchayats are committed to sustainably managing the water supply distribution systems, initial grant funding support will build their capacity, equip them with the necessary skills, and permit the introduction of innovations on smart water management in the project gram panchayats’ drinking water supply management.

Outputs and Key Activities:

The grant activities focus on supporting the gram panchayat-level smart water supply system and stakeholders’ management skills, capacity, and awareness through the provision of the right mix of equipment, works, advisory support, and training. There will be three grant outputs:

Output A: Gram panchayat-level smart water management system successfully commissioned.

Output B: Skills and capacity of local stakeholders for drinking water service delivery strengthened.

Output C: Innovative practices piloted, and regulatory framework and community awareness on water conservation, public health, and sanitation strengthened.


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